Bhagavad Gita Course Webinar
27th April 2018
Ageless Questions, Timeless Answers
3rd May 2018ॐ
Swamins, Brahmacharins and Centres of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Greetings on Pujya Gurudev’s Jayanti!
Pujya Gurudev referred to 8 May as “the Swami’s BIRTHLESS DAY”. To Him who revels in Bhagavan’s Leela, to Him who has merged with the Timeless, the Eternal, the Infinite, what possible significance could a birthday hold?
Chinmaya Mission Centres worldwide observe Chinmaya Jayanti as Seva Day – a day to offer gratitude and reverence at the feet of the Master. On this day, we dedicate ourselves to His vision, pledge to follow His footsteps, and pray to be noteworthy disciples.
In the below image, Swami Swaroopananda with immense care, lovingly feeds a piece of birthday cake to He who is Timeless Bliss.
In commemoration of Chinmaya Jayanti, some special offerings from CCMT Social Media for use by all centres and devotees:
- Special Facebook Cover
Represented by icons and logos of various CM organisations, the cover depicts the Virat Swaroop of Pujya Gurudev and His ever present, flowing grace.
- Facebook Frame
A unique frame represented with the digits 102 for use on facebook. To update profile picture, add frame. To find the frame, search for Chinmayananda.
- Profile Image
A tag cloud designed for whatsapp, facebook and other platforms with words that Pujya Gurudev often used.
We pray that our endeavours receive Pujya Gurudev’s blessings as we work to rise to His expectations.
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
(Manisha Khemlani)
Chief Executive Officer
Swamins, Brahmacharins and Centres of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Greetings on Pujya Gurudev’s Jayanti!
Pujya Gurudev referred to 8 May as “the Swami’s BIRTHLESS DAY”. To Him who revels in Bhagavan’s Leela, to Him who has merged with the Timeless, the Eternal, the Infinite, what possible significance could a birthday hold?
Chinmaya Mission Centres worldwide observe Chinmaya Jayanti as Seva Day – a day to offer gratitude and reverence at the feet of the Master. On this day, we dedicate ourselves to His vision, pledge to follow His footsteps, and pray to be noteworthy disciples.
In the below image, Swami Swaroopananda with immense care, lovingly feeds a piece of birthday cake to He who is Timeless Bliss.
In commemoration of Chinmaya Jayanti, some special offerings from CCMT Social Media for use by all centres and devotees:
- Special Facebook Cover
Represented by icons and logos of various CM organisations, the cover depicts the Virat Swaroop of Pujya Gurudev and His ever present, flowing grace.
- Facebook Frame
A unique frame represented with the digits 102 for use on facebook. To update profile picture, add frame. To find the frame, search for Chinmayananda.
- Profile Image
A tag cloud designed for whatsapp, facebook and other platforms with words that Pujya Gurudev often used.
We pray that our endeavours receive Pujya Gurudev’s blessings as we work to rise to His expectations.
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
(Manisha Khemlani)
Chief Executive Officer