Swami Tejomayananda wins prestigious award in India
3rd May 2014
New Chinmaya Mission website launched in India
31st May 2014The Gyana Yagna (offering of knowledge) was held at the Sattavis Centre in Wembley, London, to a daily audience of approximately 800 people, who watched enraptured as Swamiji unfolded the principles of karma yoga or the ‘yoga of action’.
People of all ages and backgrounds attended to hear Swamiji guide the audience verse by verse through chapter 3, using practical and humorous examples to highlight the Geeta’s relevance in today’s world.
Expounding on Shri Krishna’s eloquent logic, Swamiji shattered the common held view that stress is unavoidable for one who seeks success.
In his captivating and engaging style, he explained how stress and exhaustion exist in the mind; that action in itself does not exhaust, rather it is mental baggage associated with action that creates tension in our lives.
Detailing the secret of truly living a life of success without stress, Swamiji shared how learning to reorient action in dedication to a higher altar, in a cooperative spirit for the benefit of something greater than oneself, enables us not only to excel, but also to experience the joy of equipoise in action.
He further explained how renouncing worry, fear and doubt and accepting the results of our efforts as the Lord’s prasaad is a sure method for turning mundane action into spiritual evolution.
During the six evening talks, there were stalls outlining the various wings of Chinmaya Mission UK: CHYK (18-35 years), Bala Vihar and JCHYK (5-17 years), Senior Citizens and Swaranjali. Chinmaya Mission’s vast range of publications, DVDs and audio CDs were also on sale throughout the week.
The Gyana Yagna (offering of knowledge) was held at the Sattavis Centre in Wembley, London, to a daily audience of approximately 800 people, who watched enraptured as Swamiji unfolded the principles of karma yoga or the ‘yoga of action’.
People of all ages and backgrounds attended to hear Swamiji guide the audience verse by verse through chapter 3, using practical and humorous examples to highlight the Geeta’s relevance in today’s world.
Expounding on Sri Krishna’s eloquent logic, Swamiji shattered the common held view that stress is unavoidable for one who seeks success.
In his captivating and engaging style, he explained how stress and exhaustion exist in the mind; that action in itself does not exhaust, rather it is mental baggage associated with action that creates tension in our lives.
Detailing the secret of truly living a life of success without stress, Swamiji shared how learning to reorient action in dedication to a higher altar, in a cooperative spirit for the benefit of something greater than oneself, enables us not only to excel, but also to experience the joy of equipoise in action.
He further explained how renouncing worry, fear and doubt and accepting the results of our efforts as the Lord’s prasaad is a sure method for turning mundane action into spiritual evolution.
During the six evening talks there were stalls outlining the various wings of Chinmaya Mission UK: CHYK (18-35 years), Bal Vihar and JCHYK (5-17 years), Senior Citizens and Swaranjali. Chinmaya Mission’s vast range of publications, DVDs and audio CDs were also on sale throughout the week.