New years message – 2001
29th December 2013Interview with Swami Tejomayananda
29th December 2013I had come for the first time to Chinmayaranyam in 1995 when Amma was here and now I am here again but without her and I feel very sad for it.
Whenever I think of her I feel that she was Amma because she was ‘Amma’. If she would have been married, she would have had two or three children and be called ‘Amma’ only by them, but now she is ‘Amma’ to thousands and everybody feels she is ‘Amma’ to them whether they are 8 or 80.
In mythological terms she can be described as the embodiment of mother Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. She always used to teach and impart knowledge, so she was Saraswathi.She herself used to raise funds for the cause, so she was Lakshmi and whenever any indiscipline was committed by people around her she would be like Durga and would correct them. Thus she was all three in one.
In spiritual life it is very easy to become a scholar by reading etc., but to be a Sant or a Sadhu (Sadhvi) is rare indeed.Goswami Tulsidas said “A Sant is a mobile place of pilgrimage by himself”.
Amma was like the Sangam of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi at Prayag, a perfect blend of Bhakti, Karma and Jnana respectively. According to Shrimad Bhagwatam a Sadhu is one who endures his or her suffering patiently but is compassionate towards others suffering and sorrow. Amma was a Sadhu person.
Now, from the standpoint of Brahman, if any other person dies we would say that he/she passed away but when a Sanyasi or a Mahapurusha dies we would say that he/she attained Mahasamadhi. According to the Prasnopanishad Brahman is beyond the name, form attributes. But the same Brahman seems to manifest into 16 phases like the form, five elements, five senses etc., upto the name. Mundakopanishad says in the case of a man of realisation, 15 phases merge with Brahman and what remains is the 16th phase i.e. the name which remains as a source of inspiration. Amma’s name will surely inspire all her devotees.
To pay our homage to Amma we should do whatever Amma loved the most. She loved to serve and that’s what we all must do to deserve her Love. Next year we will be celebrating the 50th year of Chinmaya movement and I shall miss our beloved Amma a lot. She has become one with Pujya Gurudev and Brahman. I invoke their grace and blessings to give us the ability and courage to fulfill our responsibilities.
I assure all of you here that I shall be with you and give my full support.