29th December 2013Neither a chargesheet nor a shopping list
29th December 2013One morning
As I neared the temple gates
I saw amidst the thick of green
A lonely white flower
Blooming in its maiden beauty
It seemed to beckon me
I paused
Admired it
And walked on
The call was strong
The pull too great
I turned back
It shed a dew drop
“Why do you cry O’ Beautiful one
Nourished and pampered in the bed of leaves?
It looked at me silently
Its fragrance pierced my heart
“Meaningless is life;
Its existence short and trifle
Will I just pass away like the ones before me?”
An intense moment of thought
In a flush I plucked it from its plushy bower
It looked at me in astonishment
I rushed through the temple gates
Dashed straight to the Altar
Then tenderly with loving care
Placed it at His Feet
And just before I closed my eyes
I saw it give a smile