You and Yours (on parenting)
12th January 2014Humility
12th January 2014Surrender and insistence on one’s will cannot go together. It is we who carry the load of all due to our sense of doership, possessiveness or ignorance and then, when tired, blame others. Do your best to please the Lord and not any man.
A principle in Spiritual Living is: “Remember the rights others have over you, and forget the rights you have over others!” We have duties, no rights or demands.
No one can give you rest. You will have to learn to take it.
Whatever goal you have chosen to pursue in life, BE FIRM and determined in your efforts to realise it!
Never believe in anything unless it happens.
Do not hesitate to act.
Have faith in the inherent goodness others.
Expect that tragedy can strike you at any moment. Do not be surprised when misfortune comes into your life.
Learn to be flexible in your everyday living.
Adopt the ways of Nature. Her method is one of Patience.