Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth - CrowdFunding


Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) was conceptualised in 2016, the birth centenary year of the inspirational visionary and founder of Chinmaya Mission, renowned Vedantic master and teacher par excellence, Swami Chinmayananda. On 16 January 2017, CVV was notified as a Deemed-to-be-University under the ‘de novo’ category.

The fourth academic year started in September 2020 and CVV is in the midst of an ambitious programme to build a state-of-the-art University campus called Vidya Pratishthanam. With your unique skills, dedication and active engagement, CVV is launching a crowdfunding initiative to raise Rs. 105 crores (since May 8th marks the 105th Jayanti of Pujya Gurudev) by assembling 10,000 volunteers across the world.

Sign up as a fundraiser by completing this form – and become a part of this transformational initiative!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Bhavin – | 07748156533 or Krishnan – | 07747138184

For more information on CVV – please see click here.

Please click here to sign up to become a volunteer!

We are no longer taking signups through our website.