Dr Ramesh Pattni’s ceremony for the award of OBE – 9th November 2021
13th November 2021‘Face Life’ Camp for Children
3rd January 2022The words of the Bhagavad Geeta infuse us with dynamism and enthusiasm. Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s message encourages us to live by Her teachings – struggle, sweat, strive and succeed.
Pujya Swami Swaroopananda offers prostrations to the austerity, serenity and fullness of Param Guru Swami Tapovanji Maharaj on His jayanti. Click here to view the message. In a tribute to Mother Geeta, Pujya Swamiji advises us to become absorbed in Her blissful embrace.
Over the last year, many Centres and Sevaks have been working tirelessly to ensure that the divine knowledge enshrined in Pujya Gurudev’s commentary 'The Holy Geeta' continues to find a place in maximum homes and hearts.
On popular demand and to further efforts in this regard, I am delighted to share that Pujya Gurudev’s video talks on The Holy Bhagavad Geeta are now available for purchase on ChinmayaClix.com. Please share the news far and wide.
Pujya Gurudev spared no effort to roar the Geeta's message from uncounted podiums. It is now our turn to take this further afield and let the love of Mother Geeta transform hearts across the globe.
CCMT's Social Media team has planned some special online campaigns for the occasion, for all of us to get involved with. Please give wide publicity to the attached images via all avenues available to you.
We seek the blessings of our Param Guru to imbibe sincerely and live with dedication the teachings of the Geeta.