Master Gita Master Life Course
28th November 2020New website launched: Your Home For Everything Geeta
12th December 2020The Bhagavad Gita is a scripture that is regarded with great reverence and devotion by millions of people all over the world, as is the day on which the sacred teaching was given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna. For members of Chinmaya Mission, this day is celebrated with greater joy as we mark the birthday of our Parama Guru, Swami Tapovanji Maharaj.
The world is constantly changing, and we are continuously tested by the situations that we face. This year we have been faced with unimaginable circumstances, challenges and losses. We have also had moments to celebrate and be hopeful. We have learnt to be resilient and to strengthen our faith.
The teachings of the Gita are timeless; they are ever relevant because they speak to us about ourselves. From them, we learn how to live in this world, how to manage ourselves, and how to transcend both this world and our limited notion of self. Whatever we face in the world, we are ultimately dealing with our own mind. Shri Krishna’s teachings are the key to unlocking its secrets and finding dynamism and peace within ourselves.
Our inspiration to follow the scriptures grows when we learn about the lives of great saints, and none more so than our Pujya Swami Tapovanji Maharaj, who embodied the highest teaching of Vedanta, living blissfully as the Truth itself.
May we also attain the Truth in this very life and may the grace of God and blessings of the Guru ever be with us.
With love, prayers and best wishes,
Brni. Shripriya Chaitanya