New study classes by Brni Shripriya Chaitanya (Resident Acharya, CMUK)
18th February 2017Webinar on Vedic Mathematics
21st February 2017Acharyas and Centres of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om! Mahashivaratri Greetings!
O Benevolent Lord, we meditate upon You as your form represents such meditative qualities as shown by Pujya Gurudev and Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji in the attached messages.
Pujya Swamiji, in the two videos shared below, also reveals how Lord Shiva is the Lord of Lords, remaining unaffected by the pairs of opposites.
(1) Lord Shiva – Unaffected by Pairs of Opposites – YouTube:
(2) Lord Shiva – Lord of Lords – YouTube:
May Lord Shiva bestow upon all of us peace and auspiciousness!
Om Namah Shivaya!
With Prem & OM! In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani Chief Executive Officer
Acharyas and Centres of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om! Mahashivaratri Greetings!
O Benevolent Lord, we meditate upon You as your form represents such meditative qualities as shown by Pujya Gurudev and Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji in the attached messages.
Pujya Swamiji, in the two videos shared below, also reveals how Lord Shiva is the Lord of Lords, remaining unaffected by the pairs of opposites.
(1) Lord Shiva - Unaffected by Pairs of Opposites - YouTube:
(2) Lord Shiva - Lord of Lords - YouTube:
May Lord Shiva bestow upon all of us peace and auspiciousness!
Om Namah Shivaya!
With Prem & OM! In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani Chief Executive Officer