CHYK UK – Chinmaya Mission UK’s Youth Wing
30th May 2021Parenting – The Journey of a Lifetime
30th May 2021
The Ramayana is a manual on how a human being should lead his life in as perfect a manner as possible, which was exemplified by none other than Sri Rama Himself. Hence, he is also called Uttamapurusha, best among humans.
Chinmaya International Foundation brings you a 3-part online camp where Swami Ramakrishnananda will expound on Valmiki’s Ramayana with references to Kamba Ramayanam.
Part 1 begins on 5th June, 2021.
🗣️: English
⌚: 2:30am to 3.30am BST on all the Saturdays and Sundays
Know more and register: