Bhakti Immersive Camp 2018 in India
5th July 2018Chinmaya International Foundation launches 3 new webinars!
27th July 2018ॐ
Swamins, Brahmacharins and Members of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Salutations to the Sadguru!
In the tradition of Advaita, the highest place is reserved for the Sadguru. For the Teacher of Brahmavidya, no amount of gratitude can ever be enough. We cannot ever repay the debt we owe our Guru. We can never be free from it!
On the occasion of Guru Poornima, we prostrate to the entire Guru Parampara, from the Adi Guru, down the lineage to our own Guru. As a mark of our heartfelt kritajnata, we pledge to follow the path unfolded to us through their teachings.
Pujya Gurudev’s message guides us towards attunement with the inner being of the Guru and Swami Swaroopananda with devotion, extols the inexhaustible glories of the Guru.
Please share their attached messages with all.
May the Grace of the Gurus ever flow through us!
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani
Chief Executive Officer
Swamins, Brahmacharins and Members of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Salutations to the Sadguru!
In the tradition of Advaita, the highest place is reserved for the Sadguru. For the Teacher of Brahmavidya, no amount of gratitude can ever be enough. We cannot ever repay the debt we owe our Guru. We can never be free from it!
On the occasion of Guru Poornima, we prostrate to the entire Guru Parampara, from the Adi Guru, down the lineage to our own Guru. As a mark of our heartfelt kritajnata, we pledge to follow the path unfolded to us through their teachings.
Pujya Gurudev’s message guides us towards attunement with the inner being of the Guru and Swami Swaroopananda with devotion, extols the inexhaustible glories of the Guru.
Please share their attached messages with all.
May the Grace of the Gurus ever flow through us!
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani
Chief Executive Officer