Chinmaya Mission UK visits the House of Commons to participate in diversity and inclusion panel event
30th April 2023
Chinmaya Mission UK extends warm congratulations to His Majesty King Charles III
21st May 2023ॐ
Swamins, Brahmacharins and Members of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Heartfelt pranams at the Feet of our beloved Pujya Gurudev as we approach His 107th Jayanti. Pujya Swami Swaroopananda's attached message is one that will resonate with all.
On this blessed occasion, I am pleased to share some precious nuggets of inspiration.
His Vision, Our Mission
Pujya Swamiji has launched the 108th Chinmaya Jayanti year at the 107th Chinmaya Jayanti camp at Sidhbari, and shared ways in which we can all participate. Link:
His Divine Abode
Chinmaya Tapovan, Sidhbari, has a special and sacred place in the hearts of all Chinmaya Mission devotees. The various beautiful facets of its story and significance are invitingly described in the latest module of Chinmaya Archives. View it here:
His Vision Aglow
Hear Pujya Swami Swaroopananda describe the greatness of the Sandeepany Sadhanalaya institute created by Pujya Gurudev, while inviting applications for the next Vedanta Course in English:
Pujya Gurudev's 108th year is an opportunity for us to all join hands in celebrating our beloved Guru and share His work and teachings with the world, thereby lighting up our own lives and the lives of countless others.
Please do share the contents of this email with all contacts, in all possible ways.
Om Shri Chinmaya Satgurave Namah.
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani
Chief Executive Officer