Shrutam me Gopaaya
27th December 2013Q&A on meditation in daily life
28th December 2013You and I maintaining contact with the prapancha refer to ourselves as aham. This I is the limited jeeva who is confined by the limitations and this I we regularly use to refer to ourselves and this I depends upon vishaya, vritti for its survival.This aham needs the support of, the association of, the relationship of, the connection of vishaya and vritti. Vishaya meaning objects, vritti meaning thoughts that are connected with objects, that are connected with various people and situations, that are connected with various things inside and outside.
If a person makes a negative remark about us and this aham is immediately affected and then this aham goes in search of those remarks that can counter this negative remark and supports its existence as a positive entity. That is what you and I do. When somebody passes a bad remark on us we immediately go and meet few people and we expect them to support us and condemn this bad remark. We do this regularly without any exception. This means we need vrittis in support of us. Those vrittis that are expressed by others and those expressions create further vrittis in our mind which can give us comfort because we are already disturbed because of some-other negative remark. We need vrittis for our existence.When somebody passes a positive comment that vrittis enter and it comforts us. It enhances the existence and the strength of this ego.
So this ego needs vrittis for its existence, needs vishayas for its existence. How many vishayas does this ego need. Given an opportunity all the vishayas in this world is desired by this ego. Ego wants to experience all these objects in this world but only thing is the body will not co-operate with it for such an enjoyment because the body will collapse. Body has its own limitations. But this ego wants all the experiences of all the objects available in this world. Don’t we have that desire? To become a ruler of this entire world. To become a monarch of this entire world in our own way. Who will let loosen such an opportunity? Because this ego counts its existence, counts its strength, counts its survival by number of vishaya vastu it accumulates, number of vrittis it gathers, number of people it has as subordinates. It is this ego which craves for number of objects, of experience with the objects, of relationship with the objects, and also of its continous dependance upon the vritti and the people and the situation.
There is always a fear for this ego that this object may not be with me tommorow.this person may not be with me tommorow, the situation may not be conducive to me tommorow.These things may not be properly related with me tomorrow. The fear is always there for this ego because this ego survives upon this dependency .Anything which survives on dependency on others always fears. Independence alone leads us to freedom. Whatever may be the dependency,!! can be dependency upon the satsangha also. There is a fear tomorrow this will not be available to me. As long as this fear continues according to vedantha as long as duality is there, there is fear.
When a person thinks I am no more this ahamkara, I am no more this jeevatwa, I am the illuminator ofthisjeevatva, then the person is beyond fear. How a person can get established in the witness, as long as there is dependency, as long as there is craving for the accumulations of these vastu’s, it is not possible. What are you and I doing? We may have decent methods. We may have methods that are supported by society , recognized by society, claimed by society, proclaimed by society, acclaimed by society but what are we doing? Only accumulating objects .
You may have dharma to your side and say it is dharmic to accumulate objects. It is ethical to accumulate objects. Some people are more shameless, unethically they accumulate objects, adharmically they accumulate objects. Whatever may be the reason we quote ,we are craving for objects, craving for people and we are even craving for followers also even after getting into satsangha. We crave always for vastu, vyakthi, and vritti.As long as this dependency is there, the ahamkara is only being strengthened. The ego is only being strengthened.
What does Jeeva need? Why doesjeeva takes rebirth? The experiences with the objects is not enough and the experiences with the people is not enough, and the relationship with the situation is not enough, accumulation of money is not enough, accumulation of name and fame is not enough so it again wants to take birth. Why thejeeva wants to take birth? Only for the sake ofvritti, only for the sake of vastu, only for the sake of gaining more and more vyakthi’s into relationships, that is all. And Astavakra says all these are mithya, all these are changing and the supreme consciousness, the witnessing consciousness needs none of these for its survival.
That which depends upon the Idam is ahamkara.Aham is ahamkara and Idam is vishaya, vastu and vritti. As long as this Aham needs Idam for it’s knowledge, this is dhrishya-Remember this statement in vedantha. Vedantha says as long as this ahamkara needs Idam for its knowledge, the whole knowledge gained by ahamkara is supplied by Idam because Idam is dhrishyam, that which depends upon Idam also is dhrishyam. This ahamkara is also dhrishyam, it cannot be dhrishta.
Egoistically you can claim I am dhrishta but ego can never be dhrishta. That which depends upon Idam, its knowledge for its survival can never be dhrishta, it can only be dhrishyam. Dhrishyam will die , will go out of existence, will collapse .You and I will die and go away. Can any of us remain ? All of us die certainly. No exception whatsoever. Why do we die because we are bom. Why are we bom because we want vastu, vritti, vyakthi.and paristhithi. Why do we die because we are not able to gain, because we are not able to accumulate all these things with that pain, with that fear, with that pang, with that worry of separation we die. Are we dying peacefully, are we dying happily, are we dying with contentment and satisfaction •? Can anyone say yes I am living in this world peacefully, without any agitation, without any fear of separation. Never! As long as we do not gain this state , we are misusing our birth as human-beings. We are wasting our lives as human beings.
When we can live peacefully ,only when we know we are not the one who leaves, there is another one who is conscious of this leaving and coming back. As long as you and I need vishaya for our existence ,need vrittis for our existence, however greater claims we may proclaim to the world outside and say I have achieved this, I have that ,1 have become a multi- millionaire, ,1 have millions of followers, I am the only king of this entire world.It’s sheer waste !As long as we need vishaya and vrittsi for our existence, all this is waste .It is waste , sheer waste! People may write our biographies, our name may be printed in bold letters in history but waste.
For what we have come here? It is not to gain vritti, it is not to gain vishaya. Vishaya is mithya, vritti is mithya, ego is mithya. Vishaya’s don’t remain always ,it remains at a particular period of time, they disappear after a particular period of time. Vrittis don’t remain always this we know very much. They remain at a particular period of time, they disappear at a particular period of time. Ego does it remain the same? It is happy in the morning, it is sad in the afternoon, papi in the evening ,it is a punya-atma in the night so on and so forth. It is a ragi, it is a vairagi, it is gaming, it is losing, it is peaceful, it is disturbed. Ego is also never the same. That which is not the same in all the periods of time is mithya. And that which is mithya ,is not nithya, is not sathya .
All our relationship are connected with this, all our complains are connected with this .This vyakthi is not conducive, vastu is not conducive, vritti is not conducive .In satsangha also people sit together and claim supremacy and claim idiosyncracy. What is all this going on? What is happening to us? Why we have entered into satsangha? We have entered into satsangha only to eradicate the ego but what we are developing in satsangha. We are strengthening our ego, we are accumulating egoistic tendencies ,we are making ourselves as the bosses of ego. Egoistic bosses.
What are we trying to do? We are losing our purpose, we are missing our goal, we are forgetting our vision even after getting into satsangha. How many fools are still polluting satsangha. How many idiots are still surviving in satsangha’s .Why-strengthening the ego which has been successful in materialistic life. What is success in the materialistic life-it is gathering money, gathering name, fame, property, people. This is what is fame, this is what is success in materialistic world. When the same ego enters into the spiritual field also it thinks it can be successful only by strengthening the ego, only by gathering the vastu, only by gathering the paristhithi’s, only by gathering the vrittis and in vedantha marga, in spiritual field, strengthening the ego will be a flop.
There will be no success at all in the spiritual field. Why there are clashes? Why there is lot of heat generated in satsangha? It is only because clash of the titan’s ego’s. No other reason. There cannot be any other reason. If I am not aware of this, why I am entering into spiritual path, I am taking up satsangha ,and getting into adhyatmic marga if I am not aware! I am un-necessarily wasting and accumulating papa karma by disturbing myself and by disturbing others also.I should be conscious, I should be aware .Why at all this? Ego accumulation, strengthening of the ego will be a failure in adhyatmic marga, that is why people entering into satsangha cannot understand.why ego can’t be strengthened because this is not the materialistic way.
This is spiritual path. In spiritual path entirely the methodology is totally different.Real success of gaining quietitude.real success of reaching higher states of spiritual level is possible only when we drop the ego, not accumulate the ego but it is strange to us, foreign to us.All these years we have been strengthening our ego, how can we understand it suddenly, .without the knowledge entering our mastak. Extract this from the pustak and let us put it in our mastak and let us understand this. Astavakra says that we are wasting our life. ,by accumulating the vishayas ,by accumulating the vrittis.
What tall claims we have. What all things we want, we show our photograph, we show our awards, we show our rewards. Foolishness. By accumulating vishayas, accumulating vritti, ahamkara is strengthened. And you need support for this ahamkara from others. What are we here for, wasting the human birth .It is really disrespecting our Guru, disrespecting the God, disrespecting the Sanathan Bharath in which we are bom.
As long as we have ahamkara, we need vishaya and vrittis for our survival, we are dhrishya, we are mithya. This which is dhrishya is witnessed by dhrishta. Who is illumining this ahamkara? Who knows that I am sad, peaceful, successful .blissful, disturbed, I am trying to gain my peace. It is that consciousness .That witness, that illuminator .that is self luminous, that consciousness knows all these things, knows all the experiences of the ahamkara. Ahamkara changes every minute. This is called as jeeva. This is the one which gets out of the body. Why it again seeks the body. It’s survival depends on accumulation of more bodies ,meaning people, accumulation of more vastu’s meaning objects,accumulation of more vritti’s meaning thoughts.
That is all and in this there is lot of competition. What competition is this? Cut throat competition. Cutting others throat also. What is this competition .Is there any justification in this, is there any real gain? Colossal loss ..Ultimately in the end we say we have gained all that. What you can carry? What can we take? We have wasted. We have un-necessarily roasted ourselves in pursuit of these objects. Astavakra says gain that witness, become that witness, who is knowing, who is illumining this ahamkara .Because of this illuminating factor .ahamkara is fighting, pulling, pushing, cheating, hitting, bluffing, lying.
What amount of dwesha is entertained by ahamkara, what amount of pride is entertained by ahamkara. Without that illuminating factor ,this ahamkara cannot survive. Within a second it will collapse, if that withdraws its illumination. It can’t survive, it is not truth .We are surviving because of our dependency upon our ahamkara .Ahamkara itself has no survival without that illuminating factor. What is truth is not ahamkara. Truth is that which illumines this aham. Illumine this jeeva ,illumine this limited individual .That because of which this jeeva survives, that because of which this jeeva knows, that because of which this jeeva lives is witnessing consciousness. Once you know that immediately you will become happy and peaceful. When you know that ego is seen and you are the seer you will be peaceful. What we think is ego is the seer and everything else is the seen. How can the ego be the seer.? As long as the ego needs the vyakthi, the vastu, it cannot be the seer, this is only dhrishyam.
This can only be mithya. We need not go into any scriptural slokas or sastras,this interpretation is enough for us to gain this knowledge .Why I am called as mithya, why this ahamkara is called mithya, why it is not called real because it depends on these things. Do you think that consciousness depends upon anything. Withdraw all the things in that kaivalya sthithi ,the Mahapurushas need no vishaya, no vritti, no ahamkaraAhamkara disappears, vishayas disappears.vritti’s disappears .seeking disappears, desiring disappears, wanting disappears, wishing disappears .fishing also disappears! Everything disappears, all are flushed out. No vikalpa’s ,no sankalpa’s. Nishchal ,nirmal .anandsthithi.
What remains there is only God consciousness, that Brahmic consciousness,that alone is real. Even now that alone is real all this is mithya. If all this is mithya, then what are we trying? What reality is there in this world. To speak the truth about this, all this is mithya. Only that witnessing consciousness alone is real. Witnessing consciousness can get never affected by ego. Ego cannot pollute it. Ego cannot influence or sully that consciousness. All bondages are for thatjeeva no bondage is there for consciousness .It is jeeva that takes birth and death. This consciousness never takes any birth nor dies. This consciousness is never in bondage, this jeeva is under illusion that it is in bondage .
Do you think illusion is real? If our existence itself is illusory, what to say about our achievements, about our claims, about all our gatherings. Are they real? We are not ready to accept because ego is so strong. Ahamkara is so strong, how can I survive without vishaya ,how can I survive without vritti’s .! Astavakra is not saying to drop vritti’s, drop vishaya’s, understand who is real and who is unreal. Where can you find happiness ?Why you are un-necessarily finding misery, when you will suffer pangs of sorrow, when you can be totally blissful and peaceful. This second ,this minute, at once we can become happy, we can become peaceful. When? When we withdraw ourselves from this ahamkara. When we go back into that illuminating factor immediately behind this ahamkara.
Who am I? Who is that which illumines this ego ,who is witnessing the changing moods of the ego, who knows and recognizes the changing experiences of the ego that is consciousness. Right now it is available with you and I. Only thing is we are not ready to start our journey, enquiry into the truth because we are frightened that if we enquire what will happen to all this ?Is it real? Please think!It is not far away ,it is not at a distance, moksha is not far away, mukthi is not far away.
Only thing is our trust in the statements of the Rishis is not total. That is why we are not able to gain this. Inspite of hundred listenings, as long as nishchaya buddhi is not formed in us we can’t gain anything. What we are doing is,continuously strengthening the ego.Ego can never trust. It can only rust. It has to develop this kind of satwik thinking. This kind of satsangha. Who needs satsangha, who needs sadhana, Ego needs satsangha and sadhana. You and I need satsangha and sadhana,you and I need effort ,to remove this pollution, this mala, to remove this malinya .Who accumulates all this dirt? Ego accumulates all vasanas and samskaras. ^
Witnessing consciousness has no vasanas, no likes, no dis -likes,no dwesha, no raga, lobha madha, dambha, darpa, irshiya.and asuya. Witnessing consciousness witnesses all these things. It is ego that has got all these things .How far is this witnessing consciousness. It is very much with ego,it is said which gives very life to the ego, energy to the ego, survival to the ego. Not knowing this ,ego thinks if I go in search of consciousness ,1 may die. It thinks I also will not go, you also please don’t go know’ What we will do stink and rot .Accumulate, accumulate, accumulate then rot and die.craving for these things.
So God takes note of these things and next birth also you die’What? When I should die? Accumulate and then die. Still crave I want this, I want this, abig list.What? All fall under this category-vishaya.vritti, that is all. How many births we have been seeking this. That is the habit what we have developed and we claim my likes you know how it is justified ,my habit ,you don’t know, I don’t know ,that is what we know! This is trivial, this is false. Gaining witnessing consciousness alone is truth Destroying this ahamkara, should be our sadhana .alone should be our sadhana. Aham…….. sukhi bhava.
What we need is vishwas, trust. Trust in the saying of the Rishis. We think they are cheating but are cheating successfully ourselves. We think they are mis-leading, we are mis-leading ourselves. We are leading ourselves into death, destruction,ignorance,maya,and moha. Only Mahapumshas can lead us towards correct destination. That vishwas is not in us. When that vishwas is not developed in us on this statement, how can we claim I am not the doer.24 hours.365 days for 100 years continuously we are saying I am the doer ,1 am gaining this vastu, I only struggled, put forth efforts .tried, sweated, and toiled ,1 only lost.I only gained ,1 only experienced.
Always I am the doer, I am the enjoyer. And suddenly Astavakra says ,we don’t trust the statement of the Rishis ,we say shut up and get out. How can we say I am not the doer. All the while we say I am the doer ,1 am the doer, I am the doer. You tap anybody, you prick anybody’s ego, What all I did. From my birth I did this ,1 did that.. ..all this is big bogus, I only did,.. ..what you did.. .nonsense.. ..accumulating all vastu’s and vrittis as if it is a big claim ,as if it is a big achievement .And what I have gained nothing but stupidity. Bonafide certificate, this certificate and that certificate .Finally death certificate .That is all .
In the beginning birth certificate and ultimately death certificate .Our death has no value. Society will not accept unless and until municipal authority certifies. You give RslOO/- to them they will certify any-body as dead or any-body has taken birth in any locality. Certificate! that’s what we gain ultimately. Paper! says this fellow has achieved this thing. Another paper says this fellow is good .this fellow is bom .this fellow we recognize, has done something, this is no more existing. Because in pension also we have to prove to others that we are surviving still. I am alive! They say don’t talk .bring the certificate .If the certificate is there then only you are alive and then you can withdraw. If I die how can I withdraw .No we have doubts. Show the certificate.
Ultimately everything is paper, money also paper, property details also paper .And now a days you attend a spiritual camp there also one paper. To certify that such and such attended and thereafter we trust on this fellow. This fellow has no trust but we hope and trust that he will do regular mananam, regular nidhidhyasanam and disturb everybody and spoil everything All papers and certificates !We see our name m paper we are happy It is a paper! Next day we don’t know where it is used. Who is wiping his filth with that paper. Our name is there on it. Did you see my name we ask. Yes I saw it is there in the dustbin. .paper, ultimately it is only paper and we are surviving for gaining these papers only. Is it really worth gaming. How can we suddenly say we are not the doer.we are not the enjoyer.
All along we have been strengthening these things .What amount of egoistic pride we have gained all these years. This is compared by Astavakra as ferocious, dangerous, poisonous, big huge black serpent Our ego is compared by Astavakra with serpent. He is no fool to compare like this If somebody asks -Who am I. You can say big black.poisonous serpent. We can say pramana is there .Astavakra Geetha is pramana. To accept this my god! Do you think ego will allow How dare Astavakra to say that. What does he know about me !He knows everything about us because he is merged into that Supreme consciousness which illumines each stupid thought of us, each beautiful experiences of us .each changing mood of our ego.
It is that witnessing consciousness which illumines . AHAMKARTE………… , We are bitten by the black serpent, the pride of the egoism, I am the doer ,1 am the doer ,1 am the doer. You tap anybody, even the municipal taps are dry, this tap is always flowing Even when there is no water available any-where ,whole state is in draught, but there is flood .Open the tap of the ego-full flood-only thing is that other person has to survive. This ego flood is ready to suck the other persons blood also like a mosquito.Poisonous black serpent. These serpents sit together and say as a team we will work and then progress towards a greater end; biting each-other in between, hissing at each-other in between.
What team work; if this ego hood is maintained. What team work we will have, in order to become a correct team member you have to drop this ego .How to drop?We can drop it only through understanding only through analysis, only through manana, only through sadvichara.only through sastra sravana, only through satsangha. There is no other way .If we can achieve this, at least if we can create the desire, yes I have to transcend this, I have to eradicate this, that is enough for this birth Naham………sukhi bhava.
What is amritha? Astavakra says you say I am not the doer then you can generate Amritha in you .How? You have any justification? Yes, if-go deep into the roots of amritha and mritha —mritha according to our sastra is seeking, begging, begging for vrittis, begging for vishayas, begging for people’s support, begging for money, begging and craving for popularity, craving for property. This is the way mritha is defined in Sanskrit. That which is not craving, not depending upon, not seeking, not begging these things are amritha. All these years we know amritha means immortality, amritha means deathlessness. Here it is interpreted as seeking is death, craving is death, begging is death. ,that is mritha.
When you say I am not begging .when I am not the the doer, then I am not the enjoy er also.I don’t want any-thing.If God sends HE sends ,if God withdraws HE withdraws. Remember the saying of Gurudev—Tragedies are sent by Him, He gives and He takes them away. Why you are womed?It is His duty to give and His duty to take them away. Even the bhogya vastu also He gives and He takes it away .If He gives we think I have gained and when He takes it away I think I have lost. That is why I suffer. Why do I suffer Because of the ignorance that I am gaining and I am losing. HE smiles! Sitting miles away HE smiles. What was there to loose? What we can do to achieve ?0nly we can think I have gained, I have lost.
Something we talk and listen and go mad And tew people meet and discuss how much you have lost .how much I have lost. In morning walks people talk how much I achieved, how much you achieved. Is there any-thmg sensible that is discussed. Only this and we want moksha, mukthi and we want trust, confidence .advancement, disease free-ness. We want peace .How can we gain gain all these things? Astavakra says- Trust this statement that I am not the doer, I am not the enjoyer immediately amritha is available .Once you know that you are not the kartha and you are not the boktha ,HE gives and takes it away then you have amritha.
Who is the kartha? Without the witnessing consciousness supplying it’s shakthi, supplying it’s chaitanya shakthi chitatwa, can this ego survive? Who gives this energy? It is as shameless as the fan telling I move on my own.I am the rotater. Without being energy supplied to the fan .can it rotate? You hang on it,it can’t rotate. It rotates only when the energy is supplied. Similarly only when that conscious energy is supplied to this ego this can go round and round, birth and death, loka after loka, experience after experience, relationship after relationship, so many things, only because of the energy being supplied. Who is the real supplier? Consciousness. Who is the real illuminating factor.? Consciousness .This ego has no survival only, no nithyatwa, no foundation at all.It is hanging, illusory hanging and that we strengthen all our birth.
Birth together what we strengthen is this, that which is hanging and illusory.(agyan me atak ke , maya me latak raha)When I know I don’t want anything immediately I get amritha. Why do I want anything? Can I gain things just because I want .unless and until that consciousness illumines? It knows what is to be supplied and what is to be with-drawn. Who was there when consciousness started planning everything in the universe? None of us were there to talk about secret of success, art of to achieve things, how to fool ourselves successfully and die. Who planned this universe-your father or my father. Nobody’s father planned this universe. He alone planned this universe. Now do you think all of a sudden HE became ignorant? HE knows what to supply and in what doses it has to be supplied and to whom to supply.
Whether it is doses misery, doses of sukha, doses ofdukha, HE alone is the knower. Even when we ignorantly claim” I know” the illuminating factor behind “Smiles” at our statement; HE is the real knower. That knows, that illumines every-thing, that does every-thing for us .Forgetting that we claim I am the doer ,1 only do.
Who gave you the body,how the body got the strength. My parents gave the body! From where food appeared ,food who manufactured? Food came from prithvi, pnthivi from jala, jala from agni, agni from vayu, vayu from akasha. Akasha came fromatman. Atman is not your’s. It is behind our every experience and illumines everything. That which illumines can never be tainted by the thing that illumines.The illumined can never taint the illuminator .It is impossible. ,,n-.i- i, Astavakra is in that level.
He says that vishwas you have to gain. What happens when one gains vishwas.? One becomes comforted ,relaxed,and inspired. When we have trust we gain comfort, relaxation, and inspiration. All this comes from trust. Trust that consciousness ,trust the statement of the Mahapurushas,then we can know what is amritha. How to gain amritha? Come out of the net in which you are caught. Come out ot the notion that I am doing everything, I am enjoying every-thing, this is an illusory notion.(pagalpana,bevkoofi)This has no existence .
Once we bum the ignorance what-else happens to all of us Astavakra says: Ako………….Sukhibhaveth He is blessing us sukhi bhava. Go beyond shoka,drop shoka. How? Come out of I did nt like this ,1 did’nt like that ,who did like this, I wanted to gain this ,1 had this, now I don t have this….. grieving.. …Moment you drop grieving you are sukhi but we don’t do that. We go on strengthening shoka and we find few comfortable people also who have nothing else but sharing shoka, expressing shoka and mean-while drink thumps-up.coca- cola and then shoka,.. .shoka.. .that is all.
All our friend-ship are like that only and through shoka we get closeness. There are few people—your grievance and my grievance are same and they became very close friends to strengthen their shoka .Only goal they have is to strengthen their shoka and they will start searching for shoka’s association, like morning walkers association. They disturb the morning serenity of nature. Drop the shoka you gain sukha immediately. Then Astavakra compares that agyan is like thick forest where no human beings will dare to enter and even animals also fear to enter because it is too bushy and marshy.
Sunlight can’t even dare to enter because it is that bushy, full offlaura and fauna. Agyan. When can .where can, the ray of knowledge enter in our budhi. Even though this knowledge is repeated so many times it rebounces like aball. It does’nt enter. How to destroy the forest? The fire of certitude, fire of faith, fire of perfect understanding, fire of stable knowledge can destroy it. It should be stable, not some-times inspired, some-times not.Our sadhana is like that only suddenly charged, dis-charged .
Sometimes tremendous bhakthi flows towards Guru .Guru is every-thing, Guru is God and suddenly after days we think why this Guru comes and disturbs us .We were leading a comfortable life.He could have kept His madness with Him only .Why he is telling us and disturbing us !Bum away the forest by knowing that I am the pure consciousness, I am the illuminating consciousness illumining all the ego’s. There is only one consciousness. There is no million’s of consciousness. Astavakra says having burnt down the forest of ignorance by the fire of Nishchaya budhi. Discard all grief and be happy Know that you are that consciousness. Yatra……….. …sukham chara. c,
Now Astavakra attacks the entire creation. He thought let me stop attacking individually, let me attack totally. Complete direct attack. With one thought whole universe has been made to dis-appear now. Just as in dark night when I went for the walk one auto-wala told me that you walk between 12am and 4am then you will get peace, because the road^ is free. There will be no traffic jam. I went out for walking thinking ” Aham brahmasmi . I felt my leg touched some-thing. It was serpent .If I touched it – no problem, butifthe serpent touched me then with it’s hood! I started shouting and I was taken to the hospital Doctor asked where did it bite? Doctor wanted to see the snake. We went to the same place and we saw it was “rope “Now tell me is that serpent real? No. What is serpent ?It is super-imposition on the rope. After super-imposing serpent on the rope I suffered ..Is the rope responsible for my suffering or serpent? It is serpent. Who created serpent- neighbours? Doctors? I create and I suffer.
That is what Astavakra says you create your misery and you suffer. Who asked you to suffer? What is all this in the total level Imposition .super-imposition that is all. On that spotless Nirmal consciousness the entire world is an imposition. Nothing other than imposition .Drop this imposition. There- afterwards live happily .After knowing this be blissful, and be conscious.forever. You are nothing but ananda, paramananda. This ananda-paramananda is affected, apparently affected by all this so called maya, mithya and so called super-imposition.
Newly married couple-one week old went to a hotel. They used to say we are not separate and we are one dear .m the hotel husband got into that mood and said darling we are one. Wife said I know that sweet heart but kindly order lunch for two people. That one-ness is only in bhava, in kriya it is only duality. Bhava is a thought. Whole creation is a thought in God consciousness .
So Astavakra says if you think you want to be liberated, you will be liberated, and if you that I am bound .then you are bound. When the entire creation is a thought, bondage also is a thought, liberation also is a thought because that illumining consciousness is ever- free, illumining .ever knowledgeable, ever present .ever powerfal.Only thing is we have to know that it is so. If we say I am bound.I will be bound, if I say I am not bound ,1 will not be bound.That is what is available in sloka no:l 1 Muktha abhimani…….gatir bhaveth. He who considers himself free, becomes free, he who considers himself bound, remains bound So what we have to do? We have to think that we are free. As one thinks so one becomes is a proverbial saying in this world .It is indeed quite true. Astavakra says If I think I am jeeva, I need vishaya, vritti then I can’t live without vishaya,and vntti .
If I know I am consciousness, I am not bound then I am not bound and I am ever-free. That is why in vedantha marga, yoga marga, adhyatmic marga bhakthi marga, spiritual path always thoughts are directed towards the consciousness, towards the God, towards the kaivalya, towards the moksha dham .towards the sahasradhar, towards the ultimate reality .Always towards the reality. Why? Because when we divert our thoughts towards that, we think about that and we become that .Thinking creates our reality, thinking creates bondage, thinking is our birth and death, thinking is our nearness and with-drawal.
We think we want to maintain friend-ship with some-body If now itself it is so good, if we become more close then it will be more good. It will go for some years, suddenly some mis-understanding, some mistake, we want to be separated .Who wanted to become friend? You! Who wanted to become an enemy? You.! Who wanted to marry? I am alone. Iwant to marry. Then after-wards earlier only I was good, now more problems, with laws and without laws and want to divorce .Who wanted to marry? You ! Who wants to divorce? You ! I will enter into partnership and also will come out of partnership.
Ultimately all things happens because of our thinking. Our thinking is our world. Our thinking creates our future, present also is created by our thinking and what is past that is also thinking— I was like this.I was like that.. ..Past is thinking, past achievements are also thinking. It is a burden in our memory. Unwanted things we carry that is memory. Un-necessarily we carry this—I did this, I did that, I claimed that, I saw this ,1 saw that. See the album, T.V, and video of mine .Is there any-thing worth watching -accumulation ofvishaya .accumulation ofvritti. Vishaya ,vritti and the one who gained are all mithya.
When some-body says it is wonderful we are happy. If mithya can give happiness, then the eternal will IT not give happiness? It will certainly give only if we can recognize .That is why Astavakra says become that witnessing consciousness. Atma……… .samsar vaniv. TEN POINTERS of what exactly is that consciousness.Ifone we can understand then that one will lead us to heaven and to that atma. Atma is sakshi-witness.That which witnesses every-thought, every experience, every change at all levels is that sakshi. It remains changeless,and that is witnessing consciousness, that is deva, that is Shiva,that is Guru, that is paramatma. He is ALL PERVADING.
One small reference poojya swamiji gave in Astavakra gita .Swamiji gives this beautiful example. At night once he was walking in amavasya ratri. There was no current and at a distance ,he saw a big huge form. After seeing that his mind got disturbed whether it is atma or anatma. He saw it coming towards him and he was frightened. When that entity was about to embrace .suddenly a car came from behind and he saw it is electric post. Because of the reflection and refraction he saw that entity. In the entire post ghost pervaded. Was that post influenced an inch by that ghost. I don’t know the post ,1 saw ghost. I don’t know the consciousness, I see the ego.
Because I don’t know the witness ,1 see the witnessed .It is my incapability of not recognizing what exactly is there. Ghost dances, we experience fear, our heart may collapse also, all because of that which is not there! What a wonderful thing! It can kill a person! What a maya? That which I have created can kill me, can threaten me, can make me spend sleepless night, can stop my heart, can attack my brain—that which is not there can do all these things!! That is what you and I are experiencing in this whole world. Whole world at the totality level is maya, at the individual level is mithya. That is what we are trying to do. We experience so many things in this world that is non-existant. We gain so many things—non-existant. He pervades the whole universe, maya apparently appears. The entire ghost is pervaded by the post only. He who recognizes the post rejects the ghost. n
He who has no chance of recognizing the post, suffers the ghost, weds the ghost, embraces the ghost. Even you don’t want this world runs after you. That is the maya of this world. He is pooma—PERFECT. Absolutely all full,always. With this world it is full .without that also it is all full. It is all full and perfect. It is non dual – no other entity which is separate from this only one non dual .Only consciousness, other than this nothing exists. He is always ever-free. When can the ghost influence the post and alter the size and shape of the post. It is impossible. It is a non-existant thing. Similarly the whole world can never bind this MUKTA SWAROOPA.
He is consciousness—which illumines every-thing, which is the knowing principle behind all knowledge. There is no kriya at all.-Akriya. Where is the need for the post to do some-thing with the post, rope to do some-thing with the snake and dreamer to do some-thing with the dream. Where is the need for God to gain some-thing in His own creation. It is illusory creation. Where is the need for the God to gain, to acquire, to pant, to struggle for any-thing. He is always the gainer. He is ever un-attached. Utter un-attached.
Even when the sun is illumining the gutter water it is un-attached even when the sun is illumining the ganga water it is un-attached. Never can the ganga water purify the sun rays, never can the gutter water sully the sun . It is always un-attached. Even when it is contacting through it’s ray’s it is un-attached. Space is un-contaminated even when it is giving the opportunity for the filth and rot and stinking faecal matter to exists, the space is un-affected. There is no desire at all in it. Why it should entertain any desire ,when it knows it is His own illusory creation ,He has no desire. He is ever peaceful because it never changed .Only when it changes it loses peace.It never changed so peace is never lost.
But what is all this? It is only Brama that you and I are in samsar .It is nothing else other than Brama. One patient went to the doctor and said -congratulations doctor, your prescription cured me in 15 days what I was suffering from 15 months. Doctor said the precription which I write I can’t read! Once it so happened that a student went to the teacher and said -please let me know the remark which you have written in my note-book, I am not able to read. Teacher said I have written-write clearly! What we write ,we ourselves don’t know. We have written vasanas, samskaras, habits, likes and dis-likes and ego all in our fore-head.
Coming back to the story-Doctor said what you did ,tell me. Patient said Sir you prescribed this tonic ,1 purchased it. And in that tonic it was written keep the cork tightly closed, and I am cured! Doctor did’nt know what to say. What cured him? He thought that is prescription. He trusted, he believed it and kept the cork of the bottle tightly closed.! Brama also cures. If we totally trust that will be true. We are all saying this world is there, it is true. God says it is not there, Mahatma say it is not there ,Astavakra says it is not there but I am seeing it! That is what is Brama. Only because of Brama I am samsari. How to come out of that Brama.Know about that truth, you will come out of that Brama. KUTASTHAM…………MADANTHARAM t
Having given up all external fluctuations and internal fluctuations ,intemal impressions likes and habit fluctuations ,having given up and also the illusion that I am the reflection of the ultimate reality, you will be freed from all these things. Having given up this mis- nomer, that mis-conception and illusion that I am the reflected Self, meditate upon the Self as Kutastham,Bodham, and Adwaitam.Changeless-Vikar rahith is kutastham.Always Nishchal that is bodh, that is Adwaita. Meditate upon this, then you will certainly go beyond this illusion and gain that ultimate state .
Even now you are not attached, you are free from all these things. So remember these points what we have discussed today and think about that ultimate reality in these lines. Astavakra lifts our thinking into a different dimension. He takes our under-standing into the highest possible level. Know for sure any moment of our life, any moment of our existence all these things that we suffer are connected with our ego and that knowledge of suffering we gain or knowledge of experience we gain or knowledge of happiness that we gain is only because of that illuminating factor that witnessing consciousness. That is real and rest all is not real.