Learning through relationships
11th January 2014Management tips – overcoming obstacles
12th January 20141. Liveliness means to be Active, Animated, Spirited and to Shine with Lustre like a Bright Light. Liveliness transforms Thought into Actuality, Mental Idea into Reality.
2. In liveliness one enjoys every moment of one’s work.
3. When we become conscious of (aware of) INNER LIGHT, the Inner creative energy manifests as Joy.
4. When we become Aware of our Inner Self we get filled with ALIVENESS.
5. INNER SELF enters through its own SEMBLANCE into the INTELLECT in the same was as the SKY enters into a PITCHER (Pot) etc.
6. Pot can remain without contents and space can remain without pot, space remains unaffected by the destruction of pot. Similarly, MIND (pot) can remain without Thoughts and INNER SELF (space) can remain without Mind, Inner self remains unaffected by the destruction of MIND.
7. Making the ATMA one’s own in Experience is the Inner Goal of everyone.
8. Sayings of Ego are : Give me Happiness, Give me Security, Praise me, Fulfill me, I don’t have Enough, I want more and more, All these are Mine and I Am Great.
9. The Happiness/Joy which does not depend on any means and which rests on one’s own INNER SELF is the Highest Happiness/Joy.
10. Whole of this worldly joy is but the product of mere ignorance about the nature of Inner Self.
11. Awareness just watches the Thoughts, Feelings, Images of Objects, Ideas of Intellect, Pop ups from Memory, and Claims of Ego, without getting Attached or Averse to them.
12. The Natural brightly burning steady flame (Light) in a pure Gem does not undergo any modification because of the presence of objects in proximity or distance from it. So is the highest ATMAN, Which illuminates all the Intellects, remains Unmodified due to the Proximity or Distance from all the Functions of intellects.
13. Atman can be grasped only by the Knowledge, in the form of individual being’s AWARENESS of INNER SELF (Consciousness).
14. We project Value and Worth on to the Objects, through our Imagination and then get Enticed, Tempted and Seduced by them.
15. When the appearance of (Sentience) ATMAN occurs in the Intellect as the Inner Light/Inner Self, when the sentience illumines the Intellect, Intellect comes to LIFE and there arises the EGO.
16. Ego identifies with the Mind, Sense organs, Body and their Objects and says my mind, my memory, my body, my objects, my perceptions, my feelings, my emotions etc.
17. Transmigration in relation to Inner self is merely an Imaginary Thought. Just as the movement of the clouds is super imposed on the moon, so is the movement of the Internal Organ (Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego) is super imposed on the INNER SELF.
18. To the extent to which impurity of one’s intellect is removed, to that extent is there higher rise in Happiness.
19. When the Intellect, Ego and Mind are totally removed, then what remains is the INNER SELF as the Highest Self and it is the Highest Happiness.