Practice Makes Perfect – Week 6
28th September 2020Practice Makes Perfect – Week 8
11th October 2020Dear seekers,
Hari Om!
Please click on the link below, to download your ‘journal pages’ to help you with your reflection. Please note that these are formatted to be opened in Microsoft Word; they can be filled in within the document itself.
Sadhana 7 – Find Peace
By recognising the impermanence of the world and flaws in worldly pleasures, we are able to draw our mind away from their attraction. However, we also need a positive direction for our mind.
Our mind is always pulled towards joy. What is the source of all happiness that we experience? Once we recognise that, we are able to direct our mind toward this higher goal.
Identify the source of peace and happiness as internal, not dependent on the external world.
It is important for us to know that the source of all bliss is the infinite, eternal Self. It is not to be found in the world outside, but recognised within.
However, in order to gain knowledge of the Self, we must be ready to seek; to put forth effort in that direction. We will be more committed to this seeking if we develop a longing to know the Self. That seeking, although prompted by desire, will ultimately lead to liberation from all bondages.
We always desire that which brings joy; recognise your own Self as the source of all joy and intensify the desire to know your Self. Broaden your outlook to include all in the vision of this infinite Truth.
Reflect daily on moments of peace; recognise that they come from within, not due to any external prompt.
Perform one selfless act without expectation and reflect on the effect it has on your mind.
Dear seekers,
Hari Om!
Invoking the blessings of Bhagavan and Shri Guru, let us begin our 40-week program. Best wishes for your sadhana!
Please click on the links below, to download your ‘journal pages’ to help you with your reflection. Please note that these are formatted to be opened in Microsoft Word; they can be filled in within the document itself.
Sadhana 1 – Read, read, read!
Every day for 20 minutes, read about the lives of saints.
The Vedas are the source of our knowledge about dharma and Brahma: this world, and the Infinite Reality that lies beyond.
When we study the Vedas, we learn not only how to live in this world but also how to attain liberation from all limitations, thereby bringing an end to all sorrows.
The lives of great saints, sages, and devotees teach us how to live in the world and yet remain untouched by suffering. They are a source of great inspiration and guidance for our daily life when our knowledge gained from scriptural study sometimes remains abstract.
Read for only 20 minutes at a time. This is an ideal amount of time to ensure you retain what you have read.
Choose a quiet time, ideally when you will not be disturbed or distracted (screens off or kept away!).
If you choose:
Dwell further on whatever you have read each day; ask yourself how they were able to live in the same world as us and yet remain undisturbed. What did they do that makes them special?
Choose one quality that you find inspiring and try to emulate it yourself for that day.
Suggested reading:
Ageless Guru – Radhika Krishnakumar (available here and online)
My Trek Through Uttarakhand – Swami Chinmayananda (available here and online)
Īśvara Darśana – Swami Tapovanam (available here and online)
Wanderings in the Himalayas – Swami Tapovanam (available here and online)
Countless saints, sages and devotees have shown us the path. It may be Andal from Tamil Nadu, Narsimh Mehta from Gujarat, or Janabai from Maharashtra; whomever it is, read and be inspired!