

30th December 2013

Attrition of time

Even mountains must erode and crumble to the level of the earth as the fleeting steps of time march down its slopes. Not only gross substances […]
30th December 2013

Mission and Vision

Though spirituality and religion should not be organized, it can be unfolded; spiritual vitality can be unfolded within the heart of a human being, only in […]
30th December 2013

Immortal Values

The great religious masters of India, using their own ingenious efforts, have time and again revived the philosophical and religious values for which India stood and […]
30th December 2013

Let us be Hindus

It has become a new fashion with the educated Hindu to turn up his nose and sneer in contempt at the very mention of his religion […]
30th December 2013

Tapovan Jayanti

He hated all ostentations, physical and mental. He recommended study, reflection and attempts at direct experience. The birth of such a Master should be celebrated not with […]
30th December 2013

Guru Purnima

Self-redemption must come ultimately from ourselves. The external props, such as temples, idols and gurus, are all encouragements and aids.They must be intelligently used to help […]
29th December 2013

How is our destiny created?

After years of intensive monastic training, the man who had walked into the centre with gelled hair came out with a shaven head — as Swami […]
29th December 2013

Mind over chocolate mousse

Q. Hinduism believes in one God, one consciousness that pervades everyone and everything. What is the relationship between this one God which Hinduism believes in and […]